Perks of Using Organic Comforters - Bio-Beds Plus

Perks of Using Organic Comforters

People might not know what is better for their comfort and sleep regarding bedding materials. Organic wool bedding is appropriate for every season or environment and is sometimes neglected due to customary false misconceptions. People have a lot of misconceptions about organic wool bedding being overly hot or uncomfortable.

On the contrary, many organic wool fibers, mainly non-chemically treated wool, are breathable, soft, and comfy. The chemical treatment of wool is what gives it a bad connotation. Organic wool bedding is natural, and the coil-like strands include microscopic air spaces that allow moisture to evaporate steadily, offering a cooling effect in hot weather and retaining warmth during cold weather.

These are just a few of the countless health and wellness benefits that organic wool bedding

Benefits of Using a Wool Comforter?

Wool is inherently fire-resistant due to its characteristics. In fact, it is employed as a flame retardant in a range of natural bedding items. Wool is a far safer substance to expose your house and family to than the majority of flame retardants used in bedding today.

While both types of comforters have advantages and disadvantages, in side-by-side assessments, wool comforters nearly always win out for consumers looking for year-round comfort and moisture management. If getting a good night's sleep is essential to you, you might want to forego the down this winter.

Wool is a natural bedding material that can be used for everything from sweaters to upholstery. Wool is especially well-suited to manufacturing comforters due to a variety of properties:
  • Permeable:
    Natural wool fibers control temperature naturally. The same characteristics that keep sheep cool in
    the summer and warm in the winter may keep you toasty while you sleep!
  • Wicks away moisture:
    Wool fibers channel moisture naturally, preventing moisture buildup and keeping you dry.
  • Free of allergens:
    Wool is an all-natural Material as it is also free of allergens. Additionally, wool's moisture-wicking
    properties also make it resistant to germs and dust mites.
  • It is anti-static:
    Compared to other comforters, wool creates a less static charge and collects less lint, dust, and filth.
  • It is fire-resistant:
    As the texture of wool fibers, paired with its lanolin covering, requires more oxygen to ignite, it is less
    likely to catch fire and burns much more slowly if it does.
With synthetic materials, wool breaks down and decomposes spontaneously. It may also be recycled and reused to create new goods and opt for a wool blanket instead.

About All Natural Wool

All-Natural wool can have several definitions, but it typically indicates that it is acquired from farmers who graze their sheep organically in the fields and manufactured without pesticides or toxic factory waste. This should take into account every step of the process, from flock management to wool processing.

A product's eco-friendliness extends to how it is packaged and distributed. To reduce carbon emissions created by transportation, truly eco-friendly items should be transported in sustainable packaging and ideally made locally.

Many of these traits are shared by organic products, but they must meet particular requirements, specifically about how agricultural products are produced. Wool must be certified organic in the states if it is derived from sheep free of synthetic hormones and regenerative medicine, fed organic feed, and grazed on the ground free of chemical pesticides.

​Factors to Look for Before Buying a Wool Comforter

There are a number of considerations to keep in mind when you buy an eco-friendly wool comforter, from the type of wool to its certifications.

First, we’ll take a look at the general advantages of wool comforters before moving on to the things you should keep in mind in order to buy the perfect product for yourself.

Natural wool is also considerably better for the environment than most synthetic fabrics, which are frequently derived from petrochemicals and employ toxic chemicals in their manufacturing. However, not all wool is sustainable, thus it is essential to seek an eco-friendly and/or organic wool blanket.

​How to Know Whether the Wool You Are Buying Is Cruelty-Free or Not?

Although organically and eco-friendly wool indicates that the product is not damaging to the environment, cruelty-free wool indicates that no animals were injured or harmed in the shearing process.

Shearing Process

Shearing unprofessionally or harshly can injure sheep. When you buy a cruelty-free wool product, you can be certain that it has not been exposed to the aforesaid procedures. On the other hand, Wool producers use more natural methods to care for their flocks, avoid pests and diseases, shear their sheep, and manage their flocks in general.

Organic Certification

Check to see whether the wool is certified to guarantee that it is genuinely cruelty-free. Numerous certifications are available to assure that the wool is cruelty-free, environmentally friendly, or both. Wool is often treated with a variety of chemicals and bleaches, whereas eco-friendly wool is processed using natural soaps or enzymes. Numerous badges, such as eco-wool certification,
demonstrate that the wool meets these requirements.

​Frequently Asked Questions

Difference between a comforter and a duvet?
In general, a comforter has a built-in cover, but a duvet must be fitted within a separate duvet cover. Another significant distinction is that comforters typically include quilting or tufting that prevents the wool batting from moving and bunching during usage or washing.

Is Organic Wool the Same as Eco-Friendly Wool?
Although organic and eco-friendly have many qualities, they are not nearly the same. Eco-friendly refers to a product that does not harm the environment at any point throughout its manufacturing cycle. In contrast, organic products must satisfy strict specifications regarding agricultural operations.


These are ways natural wool improves a good sleep cycle. Natural Eco wool pillows and natural wool mattress protectors, both are critical in maintaining a healthy and pleasant sleep cycle.

Our top pick is the Bio-Beds Plus Organic Wool Comforter, while Bio-Beds Plus also Provides Natural Eco wool pillows and natural wool mattress protectors. Shipments are available in Ontario and the locations inside and outside of Canada.
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