Latex & wool mattress for improved sleep
Stop Tossing and turning today. Bring in the New Year with a great investment. These days when shopping for an AFFORDABLE MATTRESS you can go natural with a DUNLOP MATTRESS. Available in a variety of configurations.
Natural Latex Mattress or upgrade to the Organic MattressIf you are purchasing from the USA and shipping to Canada it may cost you more than purchasing from a Canadian Store. With the Canadian dollar at a low- importing can be very costly and that's without factoring importation costs and shipping, which usually work out higher than you first estimate. You benefit more when purchasing locally from an online ORGANIC MATTRESS retailer. Make sure that the Store offers Free Shipping in Canada! Even if you are in Ontario and purchasing from the West Coast for example from Victoria or Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, BC, try to locate a business that will ship to you in Toronto, London, Hamilton, Mississauga, Kitchener or wherever you are located on the East Coast.
affordable latex mattress
With prices coming down as competition increases you are in a better position nowadays when evaluating organic Vs Natural or Hybrid Mattresses.
Ask for a discount. Sign up for mattress discounts and you can save hundreds of dollars on that mattress purchase.
Be flexible! There are Dunlop Latex Mattresses, Talalay Mattresses and even Latex that have the characteristics of Talalay and Dunlop. Ensure that you check to see if the latex is 100 per cent Natural Latex or 100% Organic. Latex can be manufactured in a broad array of percentages. If you require better pricing then you can always check out mattresses that are lower than 100% natural.
Ask for a discount. Sign up for mattress discounts and you can save hundreds of dollars on that mattress purchase.
Be flexible! There are Dunlop Latex Mattresses, Talalay Mattresses and even Latex that have the characteristics of Talalay and Dunlop. Ensure that you check to see if the latex is 100 per cent Natural Latex or 100% Organic. Latex can be manufactured in a broad array of percentages. If you require better pricing then you can always check out mattresses that are lower than 100% natural.