Can sleeping actually help you lose weight?

Can sleeping actually help you lose weight?

You're eating healthily and working out on a regular basis, yet you're not losing weight.. What exactly is going on? Is it possible it has something to do with your sleeping patterns? You might be hurting your own development if you've been tracking calories and going to the gym but staying up all night to finish those Netflix marathons. Exercise, diet, and sleep must all be balanced to get your body to its optimal functioning level; together, they provide the basis for long-term health and well-being.

What's the link between sleeping and losing weight?

Sleep deprivation has been linked to increased eating and weight gain in several studies. When you're sleep-deprived, you're more likely to consume more calories and want unhealthy meals. It's even been proven that those who get more sleep before starting a weight-loss program have a greater chance of losing weight.

When we don't get enough sleep, what happens?

There are a number of causes behind this.

  • We consume more food, particularly carbohydrates
  • We are less energized and burn fewer calories as a result.
  • That wasted energy is stored as fat in our bodies.

What foods do we eat to stay awake?

The body's process of calming down for sleep is hampered when large meals are consumed close to nighttime. Your sleep may be interrupted while your body struggles to digest the meal. As a result, if you feel the need to eat something close to bedtime, keep it minimal. Another recommendation is to avoid eating hot foods just before bedtime. Spicy sauce and hot peppers, for example, might make you feel uncomfortably heated and disrupt your sleep. Gastric disturbances can also be caused by really hot foods. So, when it comes to your nutrition and obtaining a good night's sleep, go easy on yourself.

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